
Sys-Control Kft.

Integrated pest and pest management has evolved rapidly in recent years to optimize product quality and production while reducing the environmental footprint and process costs. Of course, this particular segment of agriculture and its problems are present throughout the world. Sys-Control offers a solution to this challenge, called AgroSense

A real difference in agricultural resource management. AgroSense uniquely integrates meteorology, soil and crop sensors, wireless data collection and cloud based crop and resource management software based on algorithms dedicated to our customers' products. Every development we have made and what we want to do reflects the needs of our customers. Over the past 6 years, the system has been organically developed with continuous user tests and user feedback. According to our customer feedback, there is a tendency for traditional calendar-based processes to be replaced by decisions based on the analysis of the most important parameters of plants, insects and weather. Our primary goal is to maximize the user experience, so all scientific and technological developments are organized to provide more reliable, convenient, and effective feedback to users.

Campden BRI Hungary Nonprofit Ltd.

THE Campden BRI Hungary Nonprofit Ltd.. a non-profit R&D institute, independent of production companies, serving the needs of the Hungarian food industry, related industries and agriculture. He is the legal successor of the Refrigeration Development and Quality Testing Institute, which was the research base of the Hungarian refrigeration industry. Thus, he has decades of domestic and international experience in food product and process development, product launch, knowledge and technology transfer, and construction and application of food safety systems. Its activities cover the whole of the food industry, and process and technology optimization and efficiency improvement tasks can be accomplished through the cooperation of the food industry frontiers.

English parent institution ( has direct access to the latest developments and methods in the food industry in England and the EU, and has traditionally been working in close collaboration with industry. Its experts have decades of technological and operational experience in most food and beverage sectors, particularly in the fruit and vegetable sector.

The Institute has participated and participates in a number of national and international competitions, including the head of the Technology and Knowledge Transfer Task Force. As a partner in the SweetVeg project, he plays an important role in planning and conducting raw material and finished product tests, as well as in evaluating and analyzing the data received, as a partner in the food chain.


TERRAPRO was established in 2014 with the aim of putting its innovation and technology knowledge at the service of the farmers and contributing to more efficient agricultural management measurements. With more than a decade of experience, the founders of TERRAPRO have a strong background in engineering, communications, agricultural and information technology.

Its main purpose is to provide farmers with direct technical support through its services, the best agricultural technologies (eg intelligent irrigation systems), so that they can produce better quality and more efficiently.

In Portugal, TERRAPRO works closely with CCTI (
